What is SkyWarn?

To obtain critical weather information, the National Weather Service (NWS) established SKYWARN® with partner organizations. Skywarn is a nationwide network of volunteer weather spotters who report to and are trained by NOAA's National Weather Service (NWS). These spotters report many forms of significant or severe weather such as Severe Thunderstorms, Tornadoes, Hail, Heavy Snow, and Flooding.

The staff at each NWS Forecast Office are responsible for issuing local forecasts and Severe Weather Warning services for the county warning forecast area. Skywarn Spotters provide an invaluable service by providing ground truth on the atmosphere we observe from advanced radars, satellites and reporting stations. These spotters act as our eyes and ears helping to provide better forecasts and severe weather warnings. We are all working together for a Weather Ready Nation!

NWS Spring 2022 Spotter NewsLetter

NWS Fall 2020 Spotter NewsLetter

NWS Spring 2019 Spotter NewsLetter

NWS Spring 2018 Spotter NewsLetter

Where is my Local Training?

02/24/24: Skywarn spotter training (In-Person) classes have been scheduled for Southeast Michigan (DTX) in the spring of 2024. New tag

02/24/24: Skywarn spotter training (In-Person) classes have been scheduled for Northern-Lower Michigan (APX) in the spring of 2024. New tag

02/24/24: Skywarn spotter training (In-Person) classes have been scheduled for Western Michigan (GRR) in the spring of 2024. New tag

02/24/24: Skywarn spotter training (In-Person) classes have been scheduled for Southern Michigan (IWX) in the spring of 2024. New tag

02/24/24: As of of today, NWS Marquette (MQT) has not published their schedule yet.

Select your county - O R - Your City**

City lists only cities with trainings. County lists ALL counties in Michigan with or with out trainings

Select County:

Select City:

SkyWarn Training

If you would like to be notified when the rest of the 2025 skywarn training schedule is posted, please fill out this form. Your information will *NEVER* be shared with anyone.

** Important: Please note that a class will NOT be held in every county every year. You may attend a class in any location, regardless of where you live. **